hello. now for my overly long post! :D

sorry i dint post for over a week. i went back to my mum;s place to stay,so no internet!

Tuesday(last week)

My mum came to fetch me from leo's house.
cant bear to leave leon :l haha.
after i reached home,i slept awhile and went to bugis to meet adriel and samuel.
They take a f-in long time to choose pants=.=
walk around,then it started to rain.
tried to look for umbrellas in bugis street!
then we took the bus to LITTLE india.
took mrt to marina . then saw th sec 5's
yue min got so many earholes! and hes planning to pierce tongue too.

we went to take bus to the steamboat place.
start cooking! jingsi and his bro like so lonely,cook alone.
played with live prawns.watched them wriggle as they slowly boil in the soup. lol.
then LSM and REB came at 8 .
so nice ah,by the time they come,the food is cooked,and they have free meal-.-

after we ate,we took mrt back.
then they kept bugging me to reveal secrets. haha.
adriel's one the most interesting and CUTE. ^^


had chemistry remedial today.
Met up with lsm at yishun mrt,she was 15mins late.
so when we reached cwp,the guys were waiting for us.
so we were at least 1hr late =)

after chem went to becca's house play mahjong.
the girls locked themselves in becca's rooom,so we guys..uh..eavesdrop"
ok we knew that the girls know what we were doing.
HAHA . so nth much lah. i heard them talk about virginity or something-.-
so we just pia mahjong.


i forgot what happened =p


Met up with lsm at north point mac.
that dumbass dint bring her wallet,and realize it only when she reach mac-.-
i bought wrong set! i told the idiot i only wan 1 set with sausage,she gave me 2.
WTf . so she ate like freaking slow.
i ate 2 hotcakes,she finished 1 quarter of it.
lol .

by the time we reached school,half an hour late at least.
slacked alot at chem,didnt even learn anyting.
asked mr tan stuffs about maple.
haha. then later got co.
super boring,as usual .


nothing much. went to sign up for the maxonline blablabla.
went to help out at my mum's place


went to help out at my mum's place again=.=


ok.the guys were suppose to have a meeting at fragant at 12
so i met lsm(with his brother) at 1 (haha sorry :p) then went to cwp.
by the time we went to the 900 bustop,lene called.
and told us the meeting is over-.-
wth,make me come for nothing.

so we went arcade and play.
i used 2bucks to play for 45mins.
his bro: 10bucks and is was like,15mins? HAHA .
he watched in awe as i shoot with skill and grace....
ok then we ate at KFC .
wanted to watch a movie,but her lil bro doesnt want.
so we dump him at his cousin's house.

we watched open season.
seriously,its a duper dumb movie.


i played like till 3am next day.
all come and fan me -.-


helped out at my mum's place.
got home at 11+,and blogged all this crap.
my com getting all the weird pop-ups.
argh =l


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